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DAVINT Design – Welcome

Davint Design is a brand of danish Vintage and mid-Century Modern. Style, quality and spirit retro in furniture, lamps and others. Check our catalog

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*Gabriele Nuzzarello meets Davint Design Barcelona*

By |February 13th, 2016|Categories: Blog|

   ¡Estamos de enhorabuena! Arte y Decoración confluyen de nuevo para sacudir nuestros sentidos y revitalizar perspectivas y caminos: el genial artista italiano Gabriele Nuzzarello, de larga trayectoria multidisciplinar e indudable talento, nos mostrará a [...]

*Gabriele Nuzzarello meets DaVint Design*

By |February 13th, 2016|Categories: Blog|

***We are celebrating! Art & Decoration get together again to shake our senses and revitalise our perspectives and ways: the great italian artist Gabriele Nuzzarello, with an extensive multidiscipinary background and evident talent, will show [...]

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